« Village de Charme »


rue de Vervoz, 4560 Clavier · Vervoz, HUY, Belgium

Local level recommended in Vervoz, Belgium

Charming Village

Vervoz is a hamlet in the southwest of the Condroz.

Close to the borders of the three provinces of Liege, Namur and Luxembourg and nearby the village of Ocquier, it depends on the small rural community Clavier.

The hamlet is located on the old Roman road Tongeren-Arlon and is listed as exceptional Walloon heritage.

Sight - Ranking nr. 15 Best Sights in the district HUY


rue de Vervoz
4560 Clavier · Vervoz,
District: HUY, Belgium


VERVOZ, rue de Vervoz, 4560 Clavier · Vervoz, District: HUY, Belgium

Selected interests in the location

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