Route D46C | Prise du Bois, 85460 Luçon (Vendée) · L'Aiguillon-sur-Mer, FONTENAY-LE-COMTE, France
With a surface area of 970 square kilometres, it is the largest marsh on the Atlantic coast and the second largest of the whole country (after the Camargue).
Extending across three departments (Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, and Charente-Maritime), it is situated west of Niort, north of La Rochelle, and south of Fontenay-le-Comte.
Route D46C | Prise du Bois
85460 Luçon (Vendée) · L'Aiguillon-sur-Mer,
District: FONTENAY-LE-COMTE, France
Tel: +33(0)2 51 56 43 87
MARAIS POITEVIN, Route D46C | Prise du Bois, 85460 Luçon (Vendée) · L'Aiguillon-sur-Mer, District: FONTENAY-LE-COMTE, France